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End of Summer

Summer came and went!

Everyday this summer was a perfect day for another perfect day. Hoping all of you took it in this way. Life kept us entertained and I am always counting our blessings: boating the Amalfi Coast; the crystal turquoise waters in the Bahamas; Florida beaches with white sands; and Colorado enjoying the gift of nature, rafting, hiking and horseback riding. I would have never imagined any of this becoming a reality for me 20 years ago. This summer was a literal dream and the culmination of so many things I’ve been working towards for years.

A new season and new beginnings are upon us! New births, new relationships, new schools, new teams, new sports, new job, new place to live, a new lifestyle and new schedules - new life! Whatever “new” may be to you, transitions are always happening. The circle of life is continually happening. For me, becoming an “empty nester” is mine. All In a blink, it just happened. Just like that! Exactly how our parents and grandparents would always share with us.

As fall and beautiful weather are hopefully headed our way. (For those of us in Houston, we certainly understand how excited we are for our first "cold front", haha.) And as the seasonal change pairs with all the new in our lives a favorite quote of mine comes to mind:

"Yesterday is gone,

tomorrow has not yet come

we only have today, let us begin"-Mother Teresa

And in the spirit of new beginnings, I am excited to announce that I will be transitioning my website shortly – this space is about to get a lot more fun and interactive so please keep checking in! I’m also excited to share that I have some projects in the works, and I can’t wait to share them with you all! As soon as I’m able to talk about them, I will be making announcements because I seriously can't wait to tell you all!

Follow me and let’s learn together how run thru life ups, downs, and all arounds. Also, some tips and tricks on how to keep health and wellness inside and out a priority! Post traumatic wisdom? Nah, you don't need a traumatic event to learn the tricks of the trade. Simply put love, prayer, dedication, and support together and we will move mountains.

Have a Wonderful Day!



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